Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Jacob Trevor Dale

He is the greatest brother ever!!! He is always there for me and has taught me so much. If he wasn't in my life i don't know where i'd be. He taught me how to play sports and how to always be nice and keep a smile on my face. He is really my other half. He does so much for me and helps me out whenever i need it! Everybody says they have the best brother ever but they are wrong my brother is the best brother ever i couldn't ask for a better one. Jacob i love you so much never change remember what you stand for. I am really going to miss you when you leave on your mission in 2 years. Don't forget to write me!!! :D Love you!

Sunday, December 11, 2011


is in 14 days, school gets out in 5 then we have until January 2nd to do whatever!!! It will be an amazing vacation i will just say that much! My sister and her husband are coming down for Christmas they were down this past weekend for Miranda's wedding and they will be back!! I miss her so much! But she is happy thats whats important. Christmas is my favorite time of the year, hot chocolate, snow (even though we haven't had any yet :)), lights, spending time with family, Santa, Christmas music, christmas trees, candy, presents (giving and recieving ;)), and celebrating my saviors birth! I am so grateful for him I would be nothing without him! He is my life and the light of my life. I am so grateful to be living in a house where he is the center of our house he is the person we all try to be like. I am also grateful to be a member of his church. If i didn't have this church i would probably be a mess this church and him, they are my life!! :D

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Dear Boys,
Why are boys so confusing?? One minute you totally thing their great and cute and then the next their so confusing and they all get girlfriends or whatever and yea it just gets confusing!!!!! I know they probably think the same thing about girls but its just confusing........
Sincerely, confused!